The Tan Commandments

It's coming to the time when the nights are drawing in and those holiday tans begin losing the battle of the fade. But don't despair! We've got some top tanning tips for you to keep it in tip top condition right through winter. And with fantastic offers on all our St. Tropez products we've got everything you need to keep on glowing! CHOOSE THE RIGHT TAN It's a case of trial and error so start off smart and try a gradual tanning product to start with. WEAR GLOVES NEVER use bare hands to apply tan - Tango hands don't look good on anyone! EXFOLIATE PROPERLY Tans turn patching simply because skin naturally flakes off at different rates. Exfoliating gets rid of the dead skin cells before they flake and leaves an even canvas for you to apply your tan. We recommend doing this the day before you tan, rather than immediately before. PICK YOUR SPOT If you're one of those people who puts their tan on in the bathroom it's not actually the best place! You might be near the towels and the taps but the light isn't great for tanning. Choose a room with a lot of natural light and a full length mirror and privacy for when you're drying! MOISTURISE Use a fragrance-free moisturiser on all the dry bits before using fake tan and always over-apply - particularly elbows, knees and any scar tissue. LET IT DRY Every product is different so read the instructions carefully. As a general rule though mousses tend to dry quicker than creams or lotions but if you want to speed things up a bitblast your skin with a hairdryer on a cool setting. Dress carefully and avoid getting wet for about six hours to let the tan set. Have we missed any? What are your top tan tips? The TSL Team x
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