skincare tips

My Top Tips for Great Skin

Recently I’ve been giving loads of you advice about which products I feel would work wonders for your skin and would be a great addition to your skincare regime. In addition to these products though, there are loads of great things that you can do to help yourself and get your skin’s health back on track. Obviously everyone is different, but here’s a few of my top tips that have helped my clients see great results in their skin. (I know they may seem obvious, but you’d be amazed how many people don’t do the basics). SpringSkin Cleanse your skin every night. No excuses. It seems obvious, but you’d be amazed how many people fail at this crucial step in the skincare regime. Always make sure to double cleanse if you are wearing make-up or sunscreen - which means most of you I’m sure. I find a quick dive in the shower before bed to cleanse my skin not only works wonders for my face, but also helps me get a better sleep. Win win. Cleanse your skin every morning. I know your skin won’t have faced the same aggressors overnight as in the day, but it’s so important to cleanse your skin in the morning. Of course, it doesn't have to be as full on as at night – but a quick cleanse wouldn't go amiss to get rid of the overnight sweat and (ewwww) skin shedding. I won’t go into the details, but trust me, wash your face in the mornings just like your mum told you to. Sugar. Sorry people, but sugar is not your friend if you want healthy, glowing skin. Sugar is the devil, fizzy drinks too. They will tempt you, but please don’t sell your soul. They are empty calories. Drink water. One of the best things you can do for your health and skin. Get some sunshine. For some, skin and the sun are not firm friends. Some skincare brands insist it’s the ultimate enemy. It’s not, as long as you respect it and protect your skin. Believe me when I tell you, a little sunshine is good for you. As long as you remember the crucial SPF (most of the time you can easily get this from your moisturiser or even your make-up base). The fact is that yes, obviously too much sun is damaging to the skin. But in small amounts, sunshine it can be amazing for your skin. Do not smoke. Need I say more? Spend some money on your skincare routine. I’m a big believer in you get what you pay for. There’s a reason that professional products cost a bit more, and it’s because they spend more time on research, testing and getting their products right. If it seems too good to be true that a £5 cleanser will cure the signs of ageing, it definitely is. Spend more, get results. Let me know your tips for keeping your skin healthy in the comments below.
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