It's Official - Summer is over!

Get gorgeous glowing skin ready for Autumn. So why don’t you make dry and chapped skin a thing of the past. Check out these top 10 tips for winter skin care: Autumn
  1. Hydration is key!
Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard us baffle on about the importance of drinking plenty of water. But it really works! Especially when wanting to keep your skin hydrated during those tough upcoming winter months. Knock back around 6 glasses a day and see what wonders it does to your skin.
  1. Moisturise!
Up your moisturising game. Swap your summer water-based moisturiser for an oil-based one! The oil will act as a protective layer against those sometimes-harsh wintery conditions. However, choose your oils wisely. Make sure you look for ‘non-clogging’ natural oils such as avocado oil or almond oil.
  1. Eat a ‘skin-friendly’ diet
It’s not only beauty products that can help to enhance your skin. You can reap the benefits through what you eat as well. Try to include foods with nutritious fatty acids such as almonds, salmon and tuna in to your daily diet.
  1. Still slap on the SPF!
Sun cream isn’t just for summer! Winter Sun is just as powerful and you’ll still need to protect your skin. Apply sun cream around 30 minutes before you leave the house.
  1. Love your hands
Your hands can often take the brunt of the winter’s conditions; leaving them icy cold, dry and chapped. Find yourself a good moisturising hand cream and apply regularly. Also remember your gloves on a cold day, keep those mits warm!
  1. Treat your feet
Out of sight, out of mind? NO, remember to still treat your feet! A stronger foot lotion may be called for, but it is crucial to look after them. Exfoliate any dry and dead skin off before applying lotion for some seriously smooth feet.
  1. Skip using drying soaps
Some soaps are renowned for drying out the skin, so avoid these at all costs! Switch this with a creamy moisturising cleanser to seal in some of that goodness. Try looking for cleansers that include glycerine or petrolatum.
  1. Every Now and Then, Exfoliate
Although winter does bring along dryer skin with it. Don’t go over board with the daily exfoliation. Opt for a less abrasive, gentle buffing weekly exfoliation routine. This will allow your skin to retain its moisture and brighten the surface.
  1. Luscious Lips
This is an essential! Nobody likes having sore and chapped lips. Make sure you always have lip balm to hand. Indulge in a high quality healing and moisturising one
  1. Cool it down
I know there’s nothing better than the thought of a long hot bath on an icy winters day. But these won’t do any favours for your skin. Hot temperatures strip away the moisture in your skin. Having shorter and cooler baths (or showers) can help restore this!
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