Fake it till you make it

Despite it being a pretty wet and miserable day as I write this post, the days have been getting a little warmer of late and soon it’ll be the time of year all girls dread…it’s time to get your legs out and sadly they haven’t seen daylight since last September. That’s right girls it’s pasty legs time, but fear not, I’m here to help…or rather, fake tan is. Now, don’t be scared. I know you fear the orange streaks and patchy tan mistakes of days gone by, but things are different now. Follow my step my step guide below and trust me…fake tan can be your friend again. TIP 1: Scrub up Say it with me now…exfoliate, exfoliate exfoliate. Exfoliating your body will remove dead skin cells and create a smooth and uniform surface on the skin for your tan to be applied to, which will help result in an even colour. You’ll want to make sure you stay clear of exfoliators that contain oils as these will create a barrier on the skin so are not really ideal for tanning. Make sure you pay special attention to your elbows, knees and ankle areas as this is wear rough and dry skin tends to build up. I always opt for Thalgo Descomask Body Scrub. TIP 2: Hair removal This is where timing is key. Any hair removal, whether it’s waxing or shaving should be carried out 24 hours before you tan. This ensures that the skin is calm and ready for tanning. Never, EVER try to wax after applying tan ladies as all you’ll do is remove every last bit of tan in that area. Not the best move. TIP 3: Moisturise On the day of your tan application, don’t moisturise your body, or wear deodorant or perfume. Again, the moisturiser acts as a barrier to the tan and will prevent an even application. By all means (and please do) moisturise the night before, just not on the day. More on that later. TIP 4: Showertime If you have a shower just before your tan application make sure you blast your skin with cold water before you get out. It might not be your favourite thing to do, but it will shrink all of your pores and therefore reduce the chance of them getting blocked TAN TIP 5: Aloe Vera Moisturise your hands, elbows, knees and feet as well as your nails with an aloe vera based moisturiser. Also, If you have blonde hair, add a light layer of moisturiser to your hairline and eyebrows to stop them from absorbing tan and changing colour. TAN TIP 6: Which brand? With fake tan you really get what you pay for and if you opt for a brand that specialises in tanning, then you’re sure to get better results. A no brainer really. I will always go for St. Tropez Self Tan Bronzing Mousse. It’s quick-drying, so easy to apply and best of all it’s what I call an intelligent tan – it matches your skin tones and reacts with your amino acids to develop into a shade that is reflective of you, i.e. no orange or luminous fake looking tans. Winner. TAN TIP 7: Application Always apply using an applicator mitt. Pump your product onto the mitt and apply to the skin using sweeping motions, rather than circular motions - remember you want to evenly distribute the product. Make sure you start at the ankles and work your way up. When it comes to your back, flip the mitt back to front, you’ll find it easier to apply. TAN TIP 8: Face time When it comes to your face, the best tip I ever received is to mix the self tan with a small amount of moisturiser. This softens the formula to minimise the chance of breakouts. One last tip – make sure to apply moisturiser to your hands before you start to stop you getting orange palms…never a good look. Happy tanning! Feel free to share any of your own tips below. xoxo
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