skincare mask

5 Top tips for Skin Detox

So with the new year upon us – its not only our exercise and diets that we should be thinking of – our skin has been through a lot during the festive season too and its time for a skin detox! skincare<4> The winter is a harsh time for skin anyway – the constant changes between hot and cold temperatures when you go from warm houses out in to the cold can play havoc with our skin. That is the same reason why many get chapped lips in the winter months. The festive season sees us eating and drinking way too much – and it is these unhealthy habits that can leave our skin in need of some TLC.

How can a bad diet affect our skin?

The increases in fatty foods combined with lots of alcohol can result in blemishes, dark circles, dull complexion and a general unhealthy skin appearance. Do not fear however! There are steps you can take to ensure your skin is back to its gorgeous glowing self. Follow the tips below to look your best for the new year…

1- Prep your skin

Firstly you need to prep your skin. For this use a facial scrub to really get into your pores and lift dead skin cells. This will help not only to make your face look and feel softer but will also help promote regeneration of healthy new skin cells thus ensuring your skin is fresh and glowing. Try Thalgo Freshness Exfoliator

2- Moisture please

Secondly you need to ensure your skin has enough moisture. Skin which lacks moisture is more prone to breakouts and red discoloration. For deep moisture, use a night time moisturizer as these tend to be thicker. Apply generously before bed and wake up with super soft skin. Try Age Perfect Cell Renew Advanced Restoring Night Cream It doesn’t matter if you are young - starting to use a night cream with anti aging benefits when you are in your 20’s is fine as it actually helps to prevent you getting wrinkles.

3 – Bye Bye Shadows

If your skin is tired from all the partying over the festive season it is likely you will have dark circles under your eyes. These make you look tired and don’t look fab when you need to look your best. Top tips for getting rid of these is to firstly de puff the area. The traditional cool cucumbers work really well for this. Simply pop onto eyes for 5 mins. The second step for perfect under eyes is a good lightener. A traditional concealer is too heavy for the delicate under eye area and can look cakey. Use a lightener similar to YSL touché éclat for a gentle under eye lift.

4- Pimple free zone

Bad food and all the chocolate we consume over Christmas is certain to give us a pimple or two. For an over night fix for any horrid spots simply dab with toothpaste, go to bed and wash off in the morning. Your spot will be gone!

5- You glow girl

A serum is a great way to add extra moisture to your skin. If you think of a moisturiser as providing moisture from the outside in, a serum works the opposite way, from the inside out. They make your moisturiser twice as effective, as the smaller particles and more intense ingredients from the serum can penetrate deeper into the skin than just your moisturiser can. They also allow skin to receive moisture without the grease! You will only need to use one bottle every 6 months to give your skin the boost it keep hydrated. Try Thalgo Absolute Rehydrating Serum
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